Sharing stories and experiences from around the world living life as mixed kids, adults and families. You are LOVED, You MATTER, and You BELONG!

Welcome Video

Welcome to the Mixed Races Community Online!

Mixed Raced Values
stacy siewert stacy siewert

Mixed Raced Values

Here at we are passionate about creating space for an environment of connection, resources and opportunities to celebrate mixed race people globally to be able to allow the current and future generations of mixed heritage identities to have a place to belon, to be celebrated, to be empowered and to create their best lives in a world that is still figuring out where and what that looks like. Here we will tell our stories, celebrate those making waves in the world in academics, entertainment, sports, business and youth, and we also will create resources for empowerment and education in health and wellness for people and families of mixed race heritage. YOU are welcome here.

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